Tuesday, April 1, 2008

71 Items This Week!

I am a desk clerk at my town library approximately six hours a week. It has been a full year since I started this job. When I first got the position, I saw it as an opportunity to "get out" for a bit and earn a teensy bit of fun cash. It has certainly fulfilled that and more. I really enjoy the gals I work with and have met many community members. I get dibs on items passing through my hands on their way back to their home libraries. I've been able to network with several homeschool families right in Scottsville and the surrounding area.

Little did I realize how much the library would be meeting so many of our homeschool needs. I am amazed when I check my library account to find that I have so many items checked out at one time. It makes sense, though, when I think about it. When we make a trip to the library, I find books for supplemental reading for current topics were studying, curriculum/ideas/instructional books about homeschooling, personal reading, home improvement/how-to books, movies for in-house date nights, and occasional books that might interest Mike...and on top of that, Eli and Luke each grab about seven to ten books, a movie, and a book on tape. Isaac has begun finding the board books as well. I seriously need to think about taking a laundry basket or suitcase on wheels for library trips instead of my small canvas bag. As a result of my number shock, I added a new feature on the right side of my page..."Betcha can't guess how many items I have checked out from my library..." Does anyone else, besides homeschool families, check out this many items at once...it's unbelieveable!

The added bonus, that I thought was great at the time, but now is truly a blessing to us, is the fact that I don't pay fines on overdue materials or hold fees for items sent to my library specifically for me. Don't get me wrong, I try very hard to return things on time, but those hold fees, at $.50 per item, really add up. And I borrow so many great things from other libraries in our county system. It has enriched our homeschool experience page after page. Had not gotten this job, I never would've known to the full extent how resourceful the library is to our family.

I love the library!

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