Friday, July 30, 2010

A Wing and A Prayer

The wing...bedhead.

The prayer...normal one year old stuff. Safety as she's learning to climb the stairs. She was several stairs up this morning before I noticed, yelling "Iiiiii! Dada! Iiiiiiiii! Iii! Dada!" to daddy in the shower. Time to rig up the gate for the fourth time.

The prayer...for Sadie's softness of heart as we beginning training her according to God's Word. Right now it's a lot of saying "no touch, no hit, no throwing food, no stairs, etc" but time will go quickly and discipline will shift to obedience issues and her response to us and the Lord.

The prayer...for Mike and I as we learn how to raise a little girl.

The prayer...for me for patience and gentleness in speech, abounding with love and forgiveness, willingness to abandon my agenda for the children's needs, and a spirit of joy and spontaneity.

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