Thursday, May 9, 2013

{Family} We're Still Here...

We're still here... and we're doing well!  I've just been pretty terrible about blogging... 
 One of the first warm days this spring...of course, semi-warm temperatures necessitates bathing suits, soapy water buckets, blanket lounging, and all around outdoor fun!

 That same warm spring day...a boy who wakes a lot at night and wants his mama, a mama who feels exhausted but still adores her boy.

 Pigtails, daffodill bouquets, dirty nails

 She loves this winter hat...  It was a hot, windy day and she prefers a sweaty head over hair in her face.  And she picked more flowers for mama...

I took this picture last night in between shooting hoops with Isaac and clapping for Sadie while she rode her trike around.  He's nearly 7 months old and so grown up.  He is such a joy!  But, please, someone stop time!!!
The next few weeks find us finishing up our school year, preparing for a (driving) trip to Iowa, and a whole bunch of organizing and sorting of stuff in our home. 
I'll be back soon! 
Pinky swear!!!

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