Thursday, February 11, 2010

Esther Ruth

A few weeks back we won this sweet doll "Esther Ruth" from Baby Be Blessed. I don't know who likes her more...Sadie or Mama! It's so cute to see Sadie holding her doll's hand or leg...I can just picture her dragging little Esther Ruth around by the arm (along with her quilt, too, of course!)

What I love most about this business is that you can order a personalized doll with your child's name and a scripture of your choice. Esther Ruth's scripture (on her tummy) is quite appropriate to lessons Mike and I have been learning about how we raise our children in the Lord and deal with our own heart issues as well as theirs. I believe winning this doll with this specific scripture is a gentle and loving reminder from God about those very lessons.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love this picture. I was wondering the same thing about buying one if I would like it more than her.