Friday, September 28, 2012

Homeschooling with the Little-er Ones

I'm thankful for a great start to our sixth year homeschooling.  If our first six weeks is any indication of success, we will be very successful this year!  I just know it!!!
I'm very happy with our curriculum choices, our decision to participate in a full day co-op once a week, and the fact that we actually did start school in mid-August.  In fact, as much as I am ready to meet our little man, I'm a little sad that our school routine will be altered because it is working so well for us.
Sadie takes time most mornings to color, glue, cut, watch her ABC video (a Leapfrog DVD), play play dough, paint, and convince at least one brother to read her a book or two.  When she's not busy doing that, she often can be found on the couch with her favorite toys piled all around her chatting away and singing as if the whole world was listening...
A friend had recommended several preschool skills books that she enjoyed using with her daughter.  I hesitated purchasing them online given that they were $8.00 - $14.00 each.  However, when I found them at The Christmas Tree Shop this summer, I snatched them up at $3.50 - $4.50 each.  Sadie loved making pizza this morning though I ended up cutting the pieces out for her.  She cuts but only in straight lines right now!  She said, "I'm too little to cut out pepperoni, but I sure like to glue them...and eat them." 

Isaac is progressing very quickly with his reading skills.  It's "clicking" with him and we are both very excited to work on phonics and spelling every day (The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading, Explode the Code, All About Spelling).  Here he is playing bingo with sight word print outs from Confessions of a Homeschooler .  He also enjoys math as well giggling throughout when I express surprise - some honest, some for fun - at his correct answers (Saxon Math 1).
I'm constantly reminded of my need to seek the Lord for help both as a mama and as my children's teacher.  God has been faithful to bless our efforts even when I've failed in my own humanness and sin.  Mike and I are committed to making the best decisions for our family and for each of our children.  I'm so thankful for the opportunity to "do life" with my kids day in and day out.  We are a stronger, tight-knit family because of it.
Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3


Melissa said...

Love reading what you are using. We are trying to make the decision for school next year for Aubrey. So many options around here, it's almost overwhelming!

Olivia said...

How thankful I am that this years start has been a great one! Oh, and, add that little man will work out just fine. You'll all make the the adjustment together. Think of the blessing of the 'bigs' experiencing all those sweet newborn moments. He'll be hearing about it for the rest of his life. I know...I'm the last of eight and for years heard from everyone about my antics and, of course, how they all changed my diapers which somehow translated that at 35 yrs old and older I was still supposed to do whatever they said!