Friday, March 8, 2013

{Project365} iPhone Pics

Long story short...
love my dslr.  I love shooting in manual mode.
I haven't been taking time to capture our life with my dslr.  Especially outside our home.
Hubby bought me an iPhone for my birthday.
I'm taking lots of pictures again.
Not missing even the most simple of moments captured forever in photo.
hairbow just like sister bear's in the middle of her head
Second Long story short...
{Project365} is totally awesome.
:: capturing this life - one photo (or so) every day for one year ::
I cannot find time to post pictures every day.
I am still taking pictures every day. 
I am not counting days.  Anymore.
But I will still be posting pictures, maybe weekly?! 
Maybe as an iPhone pics drop like today
{Project365} was never about doing it daily.  Perfectly.
{Project365} was always about capturing our every day moments through the lens.  Daily.
Which I am doing.

date night, where have you been for the past few months?

pretty in pink at the park

my guys

eight and nearly a man

silas' view

chicken, asparagus, pasta, garlic...lots of garlic

fresh hair - new layers, highlights

savoring a snuggle and a nap

first ever manicure just because

silly kissy face - never enough pics of mama - she's always behind the camera

homeschool with daddy = best school day ever

estate sale treasures.  favorite children's book.

story writin' cowboy

Si, cute as a button, nearly 5 months old

puppy chow.  yes, i hid it from the children after their first serving.

thinking about linking up to What I Wore Wednesday at The Pleated Poppy...too chicken!

happy etsy purchase for little man's room

pink princess

portrait of daddy by Isaac, 6 yrs old

$1.98 thrifted warmth

kid coffee
I'm linking up here: 
life rearranged

   friday favorite things | finding joy


Jodi said...

Your pics are all so cute! I love your girl's room - that could be on pinterest! Adorable kids... yay for new hair and nails... you should def link up to WIWW - it's fun!

Unknown said...

Those pictures of her with that bow on her head...TOO cute! And that room looks adorable!

Happy friday!

Danavee said...

Love that gallery wall in your girl's room! OHMYGOSH it's perfect!!!!!!!

That vintage book! What a great find.

Abigail said...

Sadie's room is to die for. I love it! (I wouldn't actually die for it, but you get the idea...)

That black and white snuggly picture in the next post down is one of my favorites, too. Mama and babe-- so sweet.

Olivia said...

ditto to all of the above! LOVE Sadie's pink boots!