Friday, October 7, 2011

Learning To Read

Learning to read "Farwell style" is super fun, hands-on, and always a family affair! I use "The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading" as my starting point, but add in our own hands-on activities.

Isaac is working on word families: -at, -am, -an, -ad. He's doing great!!! He especially likes to read and spell sentences that include the words fat, bad, dad. "I had a fat bad dad." He, he...

Sadie is well on her way to recognizing her letters and their sounds. She's just like that. A different. She loves the ABC's. The other day in the car she was particularly upset because Mike had turned off the kid's songs and turned on the Bills football game. "No! It's not ABC's! It's soccer ball!!!" And we are working on that little attitude, too...ahem.

Success! HAD instead of HDA! (My pictures are in the wrong order and for some reason I cannot figure out an easy way to move them used to click and drag really easily, but not anymore...suggestions?!)

Me, being the ever so patient mama...(dripping with sarcasm...but I actually was here!). If you think that mamas who homeschool are saints or are SO patient, I'd like to introduce myself. I am not a saint. I am not so patient. I raise my voice. I get super frustrated. I am a sinner saved by grace and the Lord is still using me for His glory through homeschooling despite my inadequacies. You know something, I am more concerned with my inadequacies concerning my character than my intellectual ability in teaching academic subjects. Truly the Lord is filling in the gaping holes.

The letters are made of thin foam I picked up at the Dollar General for $1 per package a few years ago. Isaac and I take turns choosing words to spell. This seems to be one of his favorite reading games so far!

Thanks to Elijah and Luke for taking the pictures!


Olivia said...

Love the expression on your face as you 'wait' for Issac to get it! So proud of him; that little baby is growing up. Your bigger boys are quite accomplished with the shutter!

Abigail said...

These are great! My biggest roadblock with home education is nearly always my Self. God is so good to shower grace!