We thoroughly enjoyed this past weekend...some work, lots of play. I realized that since we moved, I've spent very little time outside always feeling like there is work to do inside the house. Soaking up the sunshine as much as I could...
While everyone played and Sadie napped, I sat on the front step prepping peppers for the freezer...some of the final harvest from our church co-op garden. I'm very thankful for the produce we harvested this year and praying that next summer will allow us to spend more hours there helping throughout the entire season.
We've been so blessed to find out that our neighbors two doors down are Christians. They have two boys, ages 11 and 13, who are stellar young men that I absolutely encourage our boys to befriend. Sundays afternoons have been filled with football in the yard.
Even Mike got in on the game in between projects...
Bags and bags of peppers and squash...
My four favorite guys...
a few of our trees...such variety of color all around our house!
Elijah climbing and swinging
It was Isaac's idea to hang the rope so he could climb and swing...sure beats the inside alternative of swinging from the banister. I've put a nix on that activity...
Oh, I love your property and your trees are, indeed, filled with Fall colors! Adventures abound in your 'woods'. Blessed, you are!
I had Ron's sister, Pixie, chop peppers for freezing when she was here. Will definately do more next yr. Yummy and easy. That acorn squash was delicious. I'm looking forward to next yrs garden, too. I was so distracted this yr because of the barnhouse project!
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