Thursday, March 20, 2008

They Might Not Be Martha...

As of last night, we are having company for Easter weekend...and I have one day to prepare! Thankfully, I usually have some semblance of order in my home, but I always like to clean extra well for company...change all the bed sheets, dust under things not just around, gather stray artwork taped to every surface, de-clutter our computer desk area and other extras that don't get done every week. I know that company doesn't care about these things, but it makes me feel great to put in the extra effort especially since they are putting in extra effort to travel here! The mere mention of the names Uncle Kris and Aunt Megan (and maybe other Farwell clan...) conjured up whoops of joy and an insistence to help get ready for the "harvest party" (must be lasting memories of this past Thanksgiving gathering and company cleaning!!!)

I am always thankful for the boys help...they might not get it perfect, but they attempt to...they might not do it the conventional way, but they figure out their own way...they might not actually make anything more clean, but they don't intentionally make more of a mess for me...they might not realize that cleaning is actual work, but they are learning life skills...they might not view cleaning as character development, but they are gaining responsibility and diligence...they might not see chores as family building, but they are learning to work together and contributing to our family...they might not be Martha, but they're learning...

Luke dusting the dining room floor and all...

Elijah sweeping the kitchen floor...

Isaac swiffering the TV...after he'd all ready done the dining table and living room carpet... but he was a happy helper, so I didn't mess with him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For me sometimes it's better to not have much warning for company - it's less time to worry and less time to clean. I hope you had a great time w/everyone! Miss you!