Monday, March 18, 2013

{Family} No Trespassing

The boys have been bitten by the spring bug and even though the temps have been in the 20s, they've been busy at work in their fort.  For hours.  Oh, it's so good for all of us when they are outside for long chunks of time.  The boys get to use up their boy energy and Mama does not need to divert or squash their energy in the house!  Grin!
First up...securing the perimeter and marking the entrance.

I'm so thankful for our teensy bit of woods here in suburbia.  This area was "given" to the boys to do as boys will digging or trampling the landscaping anywhere else.  When the foliage is in bloom it is difficult to even see the road or neighbor's houses!

The boys are standing in the hole they are digging.  It's going to be a very deep hole, so I'm told.
Hello, I'm a mom of boys...
And I'm a pro at doing laundry.


Olivia said...

Future engineers!

Abigail said...

I LOVE this.

What a great childhood you're allowing by turning a blind eye to "mess" and embracing the adventure and creativity of children.