Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Prayerful Heart

A young woman I only know in name is facing surgery for ovarian cancer tomorrow. Her name is Megan.

She is 26 years old.

She is a strong believer in the Lord as is her husband.

She is the loving mother of a 2 month old son.

Her brother and sister-in-law are friends of mine from our church.

Her sister-in-law, Angela, knew that I could make Scripture labels and wondered if there was any way to make Megan some items filled with Scripture verses.

Angela bought a pillowcase, bag, and iron-ons for photos and gave me free reign with the project.

Puts life into much clearer perspective when you are working on a project like this one that is intended to give hope and peace in a situation that is so very difficult.

Megan has been heavy on my mind today...been praying. Will you join me in prayer for her, her husband and son, her medical team? Tonight for peaceful sleep, tomorrow for surgery, continually as Megan faces the difficult road ahead...

You can read her story and keep up to date at her caringbridge site. The website password is meganmorris.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Sewing - Quiver

What little boy doesn't love a bag to put their stash of weapons in, right?!

My Isaac had been begging for a quiver like he'd seen on a David and Goliath video...so for his 4th birthday, I made him one. Just figgered it out! Which now makes me realize I never posted pictures or thoughts about his birthday!!!

He (with the help of daddy) had already rigged up his "bow" from the perfect stick found in the woods along with string and duct tape. I purchased three dowels, sawed them in half and sanded the edges to make six "arrows" to go along with his bow.

Well, you know when one brother has an awesome quiver, the other brothers tend to want one as well. I finally made quivers for the bigger boys for Christmas! They'll be so surprised...I think they've given up on me making sewing them their own since Isaac's birthday was in August!!!

I am SO very much enjoying all this creative outlet in my sewing projects!!!

Christmas Sewing - Hidden In My Heart Dolls

With the great success of my new doll business, it only made sense to make a few dolls to give away to my nieces this Christmas. The first one here though is my sweet Sadie Kathryn's doll...finished in the late afternoon today after a frantic scramble to locate any extra stuffing stashed in the house!

ain't she cute - just like my Sadie Katie?!

I'm really enjoying making "professional" dresses...they are so cute!!! My mother-in-law passed a stack of doll clothing patterns my way and they have been so invaluable!!!

reversible cloth diaper - fleece and cotton - soon available for purchase along with dolls!

precious dress...LOVE that fabric!!!

Sadie Kathryn's Scripture tag - each doll I make comes with a personalized tag with a Scripture or blessing dictated by the gift giver.

hair pretties - soon available for purchase along with your doll!

My niece Allison's Scripture tag - she's bundle of 6 month old cuteness!!!

Allison's doll

Interested in more information about Hidden In My Heart Dolls? See my etsy shop or my facebook business page...

Christmas Sewing - Super Hero Cape

Every little boy needs their own personalized super hero cape...made a few like this one for my nephews. Didn't quite find time to get my boy's capes finished for Christmas gifts, but they'll be finished soon!

reversible, velcro closure, first name initial

a personalized label with a Scripture blessing for my nephew, Steven

Super Steven!!!

I am very likely going to sell these in my etsy shop or through my facebook page...I'll keep you posted!!! (all 3 of you, my faithful readers :o) !!!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Love Letters

I need to write two love letters this season...

The first love letter will go to Ashley from Hairzoo. I think this is my favorite haircut ever! LOVE IT! It's a bob without the dog ears and poof. Of course, this love story wouldn't be complete without also writing one to my sister-in-law, Margo, who introduced me to the straightening iron. Which then probably means I need to write another love letter to Revlon as well... Goofy picture, I know...I took it :o) !!!

The next love letter will be written to the inventor of the Jam Thumbprint Cookie. I don't know who invented these cookies, so the obvious person to write the letter to is my friend, Carole, who shared this recipe on her blog last Christmas season. (Atleast I am fairly certain it was her...if not, then let me know who you are so I can write YOU a love letter!) Oh, buttery, walnuty, strawberry goodness!!! Be still my heart!

Jam Thumbprint Cookies

2/3 c. butter

1/2 c. sugar

2 egg yolks (save the whites)

1 tsp. vanilla

1 & 1/2 c. flour

2 slightly beaten egg whites (saved from above)

1 c. finely chopped walnuts

1/3 - 1/2 c. jam, your choice of flavor

1. Grease cookie sheet. (I used a well-seasoned stone, so I didn't need to grease...)

2. Beat egg yolk, sugar, butter, and vanilla.

3. Add flour. Mix well.

4. Cover and chill for 1 hour.

5. Shape into 1 inch balls. (I used my smallest Pampered Chef cookie scoop...so easy!) Roll balls in egg whites, then in walnuts.

6. Place on cookie sheet. Press thumb into center of each ball to make room for jam.

7. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned.

8. Cool and fill with jam before serving.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Sewing - Doll Quilt

I'm attempting to sew many Christmas presents this year for my own children and our extended family. It's been quite fun. I've got a list a mile long, but I'm slowly checking things off...better pick up the pace a little!!!

Today's main project was a doll sized quilt for a niece who is also receiving a Hidden In My Heart Doll from my shop. Oh, giddy! It is so sweet and fresh and vibrant. I LOVE it! Just look at that color combination!

This was my first attempt at free motion quilting...random circles. And that rickrack edge was super easy to add (after I did it wrong once)...beats taking the time to hand stitch the binding. I see all my mistakes, but I don't think my niece will even notice! She's three, after all!

I find myself moving farther and farther away from the primitive country colors I have loved for years and being pulled toward these bright, modern takes on country style. I just purchased an inspiring quilting book that features the style of the doll quilt above...a home library keeper, for sure! Imagine a whole quilt this color! How could you be gloomy on a NY winter day snuggled under something this bright and cheerful?!

Maybe I'll put that on my sewing project list for the New Year! But for now, it's back to the Christmas sewing...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Watercolor Christmas Trees

We spent some time this afternoon creating these Christmas trees. All you need is watercolor paper, watercolors, white tempera paint, and a sharpie! I might have to hang these up in place of our usual Christmas tree. A real Christmas tree with all its falling needles is not the best option for helping to keep the house clean during this selling season. Although, I do think we might take up a friend's offer of an artificial tree this year! Can't NOT have a tree...



Isaac's - I took a different approach with him because he tends to get mostly water and little color when painting. I drew the shapes on construction paper for him to cut out and he glued them in place. The hole punch made great little snowflakes!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Home for Sale

Our lovely home is for sale. I haven't written much about our search over the past 6 months...maybe I haven't written anything...but it's something we've been pursuing. It's been exciting, heart-wrenching, frustrating, irritating, sad, etc. We toured a house at the beginning of December, both agreed 100% to place an offer on that house, the seller accepted our contingent offer, and we started working like crazy to get our house on the market.

It's only been on the market for less than a week and already this has been a roller coaster of emotions. One the one hand it is so exciting to think about our family in the new house, how we might function a little more smoothly with extra space, having a little more privacy around our house, and Mike having a shorter commute to work to name a few things.

On the other hand, our current home is the only home my children have known, the home where all our babies have been loved and nurtured into toddlerhood and beyond, the home that we love after many years of elbow grease, sweat, hate, tears, and $$$. This home holds our memories.

Half of the time, I find myself wishing that someone would just come along and snatch up this gem so we can move on. The other half, I find myself thinking about all the "negatives" others have brought up to us moving...farther from church and summer garden, farther from free and paid babysitters, farther for grandparents to visit, etc. I am a people pleaser at times and I hate to disappoint others. It makes me think we are making a poor decision.

And yet, I know that Mike and I made a decision based on what is best for our family, we've considered all those "negatives", and still felt a peace from the Lord to pursue this new house. The new house is a little over 15 minutes from our current home. We're not moving across the country! When I eliminate all those voices, my soul is at peace. I'm not anxious. Stressed and chaotic at times...yes. Not anxious. I am confident the Lord will work out all the details if this sale and purchase is in His will.

Until that decision is made perfectly clear, we wait and scrub and organize and paint. And we live. We enjoy. We make memories. We don't waste the day, waiting for another day and what might be. We hope. We trust in the Lord. And we just wait.

Art Projects

Luke - self portrait with waving hands

Eli - self portrait with waving hands

Overlapping Bubbles - Eli

Autumn Night in Tissue Paper

Isaac's Art

A sampling of Isaac's art from this fall...


Ninja Turtle Fighting Bad Ninjas

??? - He says it's Mary and Joseph Riding to Bethlehem...
but I think that's because he's watching that video right now!


Christmas Music

Enjoying the musical sounds of my children plucking and plunking out Christmas songs on our lap harp and piano throughout the day...

It's easy enough for Isaac to understand and follow the note pattern though it is a stretch to "hear" the song he's playing...but we're all good at singing along anyhow.

Our favorite songs this year..."Away in a Manger" and "Joy to the World."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rediscovered Quilts

Rediscovered these two wall quilts in the crazy, sorting process of getting our house ready to sell (that's a whole different story that I'll share once our house is listed and I have a minute to breathe.) Took pictures in case they get packed away again for a time. Taking a minute to sit...something I don't think I've really done all day...and staring at my lovely log cabin quilt hanging on the wall.

folk art flowers - 2006 (?)

log cabin - 2005 (?) - maybe that's why people always say to label your quilts!

I have this great embroidered sign (also rediscovered today!) that says, "Blessed are the children of quilters, for they shall receive the quilts." Ha, ha! Maybe I'll hang it in my *new* sewing room...